Wednesday, April 18, 2007


She's not just a pretty face
I admire her....
leadership and drive to succeed
dedication to world causes
ready smile just for you
nonjudgmental, easy-going manner
passion for teaching
striving to learn as much as she can

She's not just a pretty face
She experiences new things and pushes headlong for her dreams
She's a goal-setter, trendsetter, thrill seeker
dare I say fearless?
If she has any fears, she doesn't show it
She's confident and self-assured
inquisitive and open-minded

A genuine soul with a pure heart.

1 comment:

administrator said...

I'm speechless. I am so touched that I got goosebumps after reading what you wrote! Thank you so much for your kind words; it really means a lot to me.

PS - I'm a Shania fan, too! :)