Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Passion in Learning

Okay, before I respond to Will's post on the "Unlearning Curve", I want to draw your attention towards a post that Will asked me to read. It is an incredibly powerful piece on inspiring passion in his students and I can't wait to hear the feedback on how his unit goes on The Diary of Anne Frank after everything he will be doing in class. One of his quotes struck me and, hopefully, you will be as inspired as I was and be compelled to read the rest of his post:

we need to give our students the freedom to learn and engage with ideas that they find relevant and important.

I think I am going to subscribe to this guy's blog post if I can. He has some very insightful, useful suggestions for the classroom and interacting with kids.

1 comment:

Karen Stearns said...

RSS Will's blog Charity. Add him to your bloglines. Put him in your del icio us acct.!!

There's no one more important to be reading daily/weekly.