Technology is soo amazing now. I thought this was an excellent example of what are world is really becoming... my entire extended family was able to see my cousin's sonogram picture within seconds of her doctor's visit with this being digitized now. =) i just thought it was really cool.
but anyway, to the question of WHAT should we be teaching the future generation these days?? we have entered the INFORMATION age--children can access information so much faster and easier than we ever could only ten years ago. As Warlick says, "they (children) need to learn to control their information in positive, productive, and personally meaningful ways." (22). I also really like the idea of Personal Information Digital Libraries--fancy long term for your favorites list and bookmarks to navigate the web even faster. as if accessing anything you want to know through google isn't fast enough.
Speaking of Google, is google the new verb for the 21st century? "Oh, don't know it? google it!" Have you ever googled yourself? try it and see if you are on the net. You might be surprised. :)
1 comment:
This is amazing, Charity! This picture is proof that technology allows us to send information to more people, quicker. I wouldn't be suprised if soon, there were a program that would send an e-mail with all the baby information and newborn picture to everyone on a list within a few minutes of birth. You all must be very proud with this coming addition to your family!
Yes, I too have googled my name, and it's amazing the misc. things that come up in the search. However, I am suprised that more things don't show up (I'm not upset, though!). Although other people "googling" me is a bit unsettling, I use Google all the time, and it has proved to be such a helpful tool. I guess there are pros and cons to everything.
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