Friday, February 9, 2007

"Multimodal Literacies" from the NCTE site

This is a powerful statement on what teachers need to be doing now in the classroom with regard to teaching our students. It's not just about teaching them how to read a book from front to back or writing in a particular form. It is about composing with nonprint media as a broader scope of literacy. As teachers, we need to promote multimedia composition in classrooms. Allow students to compose position papers and research papers digitally, post onto a blog, and turn in assignments on a class website. We need to allow them the freedom to create compositions in presentation software using video clips, podcasts, and whatever other creative elements are at their disposal. The opportunities for learning and researching information are endless these days.

The one critical thing we need to be helping students with is helping them decipher what information is true and accurate. Evaluation and investigative skills are crucial to navigating the web in this age where everyone is a publisher, a composer, a designer no matter what the degree or educational background. It is a great universal tool, a way to bring about tighter globalization and equality. It has "leveled the playing field" according to Friedman, but we need to teach students to become private investigators and to question everything that is out there. Question everything and back up your arguments with evidence and proof!

This was another short position statement I read that was connected to the NCTE one.

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